Linwei Sang 桑林卫


Phd candidate in Tsinghua University; Visiting scholar in UC, Berkeley; E-mail: sanglinwei AT

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Journal Papers


[J12] L. Sang, Y. Xu, Wenchuan Wu, and Huan Long, ``Online Voltage Regulation of Active Distribution Networks: A Deep Neural Encoding-Decoding Approach,’’ was accepted to IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2023.

[J11] Z. Wang, L. Sang, Y. Xu, B. Wang, and H. Sun, “Improved Quantile Regression Based Approach for Renewable Power Generation Interval Prediction on Islands” was accepted to CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems.

[J10] C. Huang, Q. Hu, L. Sang, et al. “A Review of Wildfire Mitigation Plans in Power Systems: Datasets, Model, and Industry Practice,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation, Early Access, 2023.

[J9] L. Sang, Y. Xu, and H. Sun, “Encoding Carbon Emission Flow in Energy Management: A Compact Constraint Learning Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Early Access, 2023.

[J8] L. Sang, Y. Xu, Z. Yi, L. Yang, H. Long, and H. Sun, “Conservative Sparse Neural Network Embedded Frequency Constrained Unit Commitment With Distributed Energy Resources,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Early Access, 2023.


[J7] Y. Wang, Z. Yan, L. Sang, et al. “Acceleration Framework and Solution Algorithm for Distribution System Restoration based on End-to-End Optimization Strategy,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Early Access, 2022.

[J6] L. Sang, Y. Xu, and H. Sun. “Ensemble Provably Robust Learn-to-optimize Approach for Security-Constrained Unit Commitment”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Early Access, 2022.

[J5] L. Sang, Y. Xu, H. Long, and W. Wu, “Safety-aware Semi-end-to-end Coordinated Decision Model for Voltage Regulation in Active Distribution Network”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 1814-1826, May 2023.

[J4] L. Sang, Y. Xu, H. Long, Q. Hu, and H. Sun, “Electricity Price Prediction for Energy Storage System Arbitrage: A Decision-focused Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 2822-2832, Jul. 2022.

[J3] L. Sang, Q. Hu, Y. Xu, and Z. Wu, “Privacy-preserving Hybrid Cloud Framework for Real-time TCL-based Demand Response,” IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Early Access, 2022.


[J2] Z. Yi, Y. Xu, H. Wang, and L. Sang, “Coordinated Operation Strategy for a Virtual Power Plant With Multiple DER Aggregators,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 2445-2458, Oct. 2021.


[J1] H. Long, L. Sang, Z. Wu, and W. Gu, “Image-Based Abnormal Data Detection and Cleaning Algorithm via Wind Power Curve,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 938-946, Apr. 2020.

Conference Papers

[C4] Y. Xu, W. Shu, J. Chen, L. Sang, Q. Hu, and R. Han, “Slow/Fast Charging Pile Configuration in Multi-areas Based on Time-Space Transfer Characteristics of EV,” The proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of China Electro-technical Society. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 890. Springer, Singapore, 2022.

[C3] J. Chen, G. Pan, Y. Zhu, L. Sang, Y. Ge, and Q. Hu, “Benefits of Using Electrolytic Hydrogen for Offshore Wind on China’s Low-carbon Energy,” 2021 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC), 2021, pp. 2184-2189.

[C2] L. Sang, Y. Xu, W. K. V. Chan and Z. Wei, “Carbon-aware Integrated Energy System Operation with Demand Response,” 2022 IEEE 5th International Electrical and Energy Conference (CIEEC), 2022, pp. 832-837, Oral speech, Best Paper Award.

[C1] L. Sang, Q. Hu, Y. Zhao, R. Han, Z. Wu, and X. Dou, “A Scenario-adaptive Online Learning Algorithm for Demand Response,” 2020 IEEE Power Energy & Society General Meeting (PESGM), 2020, pp. 1-5.

Submitted Papers

[S1] L. Sang, Y. Xu, H. Sun, Q. Wu, and W. Wu, “Distribution Locational Marginal Emission for Carbon Alleviation in Distribution Networks: Formulation, Calculation, and Implication” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.